Friday, April 5, 2013


They come in the middle of the night, at 3a.m., when I can't get back to sleep.  Or maybe it will be when I'm out walking, beneath an early morning pale blue sky, or past a bend in the road yellow and scarlet with autumn glory.

Inspirations are everywhere.  In a smile.  In a laugh.  In a conversation with my nine-year-old niece.

Flipping through magazines full of card designs, I rarely, if ever, want to copy one completely.  Rather, a combination of colors will catch my eye.  Or one single image may jump out.  I see a new dress in the store--for me or for a little girl--and I don't want to just buy it.  I want to make it.  I want to make it my own. 

So it was when I discovered
 on  I'm not searching for any wedding gifts (thank goodness!), but her custom wedding map calligraphy grabbed me.  Immediately, I smiled.  My eyes were open again.  I was ready to get out my paints, pull out a practice pad and try new lettering styles again, like I did years ago.  The old ones have become habit.  I'm ready to be fresh and new. 

Maybe the result will be someone else's inspiration.

**I'd love to hear from you! Please leave your comments and questions.**

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